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About Us

Owners and operator, Benny and Amanda Janse van Rensburg, are passionate about their business, and want to make your experience an unforgettable one.Benny is the chief skipper at Isle of Capri and Amanda ensures that your cruises are always on track.

The ISLE OF CAPRI CRUISES commits to giving the customers and experience that they would never want to forget. We are giving our customers a lifetime experience.

The ISLE OF CAPRI CRUISES would want to educate the crew and all South Africans about the safe use of the oceans knowledge into the protection of our earth. Our educational cruises teaches young and old what is the purpose of a growing shipping economy. We educate people about the workings of the port and the importance of this port to South Africa. The ships and the dock workers are an important part of the economy. The ocean is our precious gem that will save the planet.

Customer Service Contact Information

Ph: +27(0) 31 305 3099
Cell: +27(0) 82 851 4787
Cell: +27 (0) 61 435 8202 (WA)

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